“We don’t urge anybody to (fight back),” [Police spokesman] Cassidy said. “We want them to call us.”
Yes, call the police , but while you are waiting, do not do anything to protect your family or property, let the criminals take whatever they want of yours, and the police will arrive after you have already suffered loss. Of course, I should probably give you more insight as to what I am talking about.
Anthony McKay, a resident of Cherry St. in Swampscott was in his house on Saturday morning when he heard noises outside his home. Apparently his wife phoned the police while he went outside to investigate. Outside McKay found Christian Johnson of Lynn (shocker!), a known drug user, who is also known to carry a knife, messing with his truck Well, when Johnson attempted to pull a knife on McKay, a fight ensued, and McKay punched Johnson in the face.
Score one for the good guy. A family man protects his family and property and subdues the assailant until police arrive. McKay should be commended for his actions. The Swampscott PD is so thrilled with McKay, that do you want to know what they gave him? A summons for assault and battery! That's right McKay, protecting himself now faces possible jail time and huge legal fees simply for protecting what he should have the right to lawfully protect.
McKay stated, “I was just defending my property and home. I’m not going to be scared away by these little punks. This is where I live, and I’ve lived here my entire life ... I guess everybody else closes those doors and don’t want to confront people, but I’m not going to put up with this. I’ve got children here.”
Good for you Anthony McKay. Maybe if there were more people like you around there would be less crime.
And shame on the Swampscott Police allowing McKay to be arrested. Although I fully support the police for what they do about 99.9% of the time,this is an instance where they are charging the wrong guy. A man, doing the right thing, faces possibly losing his home if convicted. Charges should be dropped immediately, and if the PD is not going to do it, then Attorney General Martha Coakley should step in, or even perhaps, Governor Deval Patrick.
But I forgot, Both Governor Patrick and AG Coakley believes that criminal rights are more important that victims' rights here in the Commonwealth of Taxandscrewus.
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